Graphics and Design Component 2

Logo Design: For our first task of component 2 we had to design a logo for a freelance business, focused upon a specific area of media production (Animation, VFX, Post Production or Advertising). I decided to make a logo for a film company called “Blue Tiger Productions”. I decided to research into popular, well-known companyContinue reading “Graphics and Design Component 2”

Graphics & Design Component 1 – Weekly Challenges

Week 1: Our first weekly challenge of this module was to research and design two sets of clothing/costume for either a super-hero comic book, the medieval era, spy/mystery, Sci-Fi, Action/Adventure, Western, Gothic Fantasy, or a mixture of either. Our designs were supposed to be creative and as interesting as possible, whilst still looking like itContinue reading “Graphics & Design Component 1 – Weekly Challenges”

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