Week 2 – Perspective

Task 1 – Intro

Another week another challenge. This week we had to practise getting a grasp of different types of perspective drawings. One point and two point and from varying degrees of angles. This would help us within the future when it comes to component 2, for example, in which we’re going to have to design our own scenery.environments. The fundamentals of perspective are very important so that when it comes to designing/drawing objects/infrastructure we would get the dimensions right and the positioning of the viewers and/or camera wouldn’t feel out of place.

To begin, we started drawing shaped in one point perspective (where there is only one vanishing point).

Next, we moved onto two-point perspective drawings (where there are two vanishing points)

Next, I had to practise drawing an object with a constant changing vanishing point:

I think that taking part in all of these exercises has definitely allowed me to enhance my skills and approach drawing in new ways.

Task 2 – Learning into practive

Next, we were tasked with creating a full blown perspective drawing environment. This could be based on anything and it really showed me just how useful simplifying everything down into shapes can be in terms of amplifying my drawing capabilities.

Image result for small cottage chimney
I used this as my reference to help me visualise the proportions/perspective for the imaginary house.

Furthermore, I also drew a chapel but didn’t finish shading it. This was quite the challenge to get the dimensions right, and even still they’re slightly off.

For reference, I used this:

Related image

Published by Matthew Higginson

Animation student at Leeds Beckett.

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